Passiflora apetala

Batwing passion flower

Family: Passifloraceae

Origin: Mexico, Central America

Bat wing passion flower seeding amongst pine needles.
Bat wing passion flower seeds remain viable for more than 10 years.

Regional Pest Management Plan (RPMP) status

  • National Pest Plant Accord Species

View more about the RPMP statuses

General description

Climbing vine. Leaves are two-lobed and shaped like bat wings. Flowers are yellow/light green, < 2 cm in diameter and borne year-round. Fruits are purplish black berries < 17 mm in diameter.

What you need to know

To help protect our environment:

  • You must not breed, distribute, release or sell bat-wing passion flower. As bat-wing passion flower is a National Pest Plant Accord species, these restrictions apply within the Auckland region and across the whole of New Zealand.


Forest, forest margins, scrub, gardens, hedges, fence lines.


Seeds are dispersed by birds. Human-mediated dispersal through deliberate plantings.

Impact on environment

Smothers native vegetation and may alter forest composition.


Recommended approaches

Before undertaking control of this, please report it to the Auckland Council at

Caution: When using any herbicide or pesticide please read the label thoroughly to ensure that all instructions and safety requirements are followed.

Bat wing passion flower climbing up a branch.
Bat wing passion flower has the ability to smother, shade out and strangle native plants.
 Bat wing passion flower seedling emerging from ground.
Seedling leaves have two large lobes resembling a bat's wing.
Bat wing passion flower with small green fruit.
The fruit is small berries about the size of a grape.