Photo credit: Nina Van Lier
Photo credit: Nina Van Lier

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Guide to controlling pest plants

Introduced pest plants are a threat to our native biodiversity.

Photo credit: Nina Van Lier

They can suppress, out-compete or even kill our native plants. When uncontrolled, some pest plants can spread and take over whole properties. Controlling pest plants helps protect and restore our native biodiversity.

If you are thinking about controlling pest plants on your property, you must first be able to identify them. Once you know how to control each species, monitor the weeds to see how they respond to your control.

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Getting started

Everyone can play their part in helping control pest plants. Here are some tools, advice and resources to help you get started.

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1. Identification

Identify the pest plants on your property so you can tailor your control methods to them.

Start with these resources

Pest plants and management

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2. Control

Once you have identified your pest plants, choose a specific control method.

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Pest plants and management

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3. Monitoring and data collection

It is important to record what you are controlling to show your progress over time. You can then use the data in funding applications.

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Pest plants and management

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