Manukau Domain

Size: 4.5 hectares

Area description

Manukau Domain is a forest-clad public reserve on the north-east coast of the Manukau Harbour in Lynfield. Steep south-west facing hillslopes surround a central gully system. A short coastal stream drains the lower part of the reserve and flows into the harbour. 

The forest cover extends beyond the reserve boundaries around the coast through a network of local reserves, creating a valuable ecological corridor along the harbour edge.

Plant community at Manukau Domain.
The dense scrub covering Manukau Domain.
Photo credit: Auckland Council

Key ecosystems and vegetation

The native vegetation within the reserve is mostly regenerating scrub (VS2) with an abundance of gumland-like species. The vegetation includes a canopy of mānuka and kānuka, along with species such as māpou, karamu, tauhinu, harakeke (flax), bracken and sword sedge.

The regenerating scrub transitions into coastal forest (WF4) which surrounds a central gully system and extends to the coast. There are large pōhutukawa, titoki and many pūriri here. Growing on the coastal edge (CL1) are houpara, harakeke, wharariki and coastal cutty grass. Grass-leaved greenhood orchid, tetraria (a leafless native sedge) and a native mistletoe species are also found within the reserve.

A tuī sits on a harakeke leaf surround by harakeke flowers.
Flax provides an important source of nectar for tuī.
Photo credit: Ngā Manu

Native fauna

The vegetation within the reserve provides habitat for forest birds such as:

  • kererū
  • tūī
  • pīwakawaka (fantail)
  • ruru (morepork).